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Global Warming...Do You Care?
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Yes, the old religion argument... here are my beliefs, prove me wrong! It's very difficult to prove a negative, all we can go by are the prevailing scientific theories. Let's see your evidence (using data, not theories) that the increase in temperature is not caused by a giant monkey 800 miles down playing with giant matches. The current accepted theory in geophysics (or at least as I've been taught, in my senior level geophysics class) is that the Earth goes through periods of warming and cooling, completely unrelated to human activity. We happen to be in a period of warming, which will continue for quite a long while (much longer than the recorded history of human activity has been thus far). Is there physical data to confirm this theory? No, not really... there weren?t people around millions of years ago to start the record, and during the last ice age any humans would have almost certainly lacked the technology necessary to record the kind of data that would be useful to us now. However, a lack of data isn't a lack of evidence. We've observed enough deformation in coastal rock bodies to suggest that the glaciers have expanded and contracted numerous times throughout history. I don't know what kind of data you want on this. Scientists use samples of deep-sea sediments, and the makeup of coastal rock bodies to form their theories. Go ahead and wikipedia "ice ages" or something if you want more in depth evidence or "data". More to the point, this isn't what you're seeing either! Even the natural increase in temperature is measured in changes over thousands of years - it's not significant enough for you to notice. Even the estimates that [URL=http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/sep2006/2006-09-26-01.asp]don't adjust for natural rate of warming[/URL] still point to increases of approximately 0.2 degree per decade. 100 years for a 2-degree change. Over your entire lifetime the Earth wont warm enough to melt the snow in your yard. There's no evidence to credit what your seeing to something other than global warming, not because what your seeing is global warming, but because what your seeing isn't anything - just random fluctuations in temperature. Want me to mail you some snow? We have lots here, and like I said, it's much colder outside than usual. I don't deny global warming. In fact, I firmly believe that it's both true, and incredibly serious. But if we start attributing every fluctuation in temperature to global warming, all we'll be doing is confusing a serious issue. Understanding what it is, and why it's dangerous is an important first step. If we start assuming that every change in temperature is global warming, we wont even know what we're battling against. The next time you have a cold winter people will forget all about it, and assume the scientists were wrong (we can already see this happening in some cases). It's important to understand that the affects on various ecosystems, on species, and on vegetation will be serious, and noticeable [b]long before[/b] we can notice any major changes in global temperature. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/102]Dan[/url] on 01-13-2007 23:08)[/small]
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