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Global Warming...Do You Care?
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[quote] [b]twItch^ said:[/b] That may well be true, DL, but do you see anything to suggest that Mas's lack of snow ISN'T a result of global warming? Yeah. Take that. [/quote] Yeah - all that stuff I said before ;) :p WS - it may very well support what you see happening around you, although it is quite vague. It still has nothing whatsoever to do with a a sudden change from "the most snowiest" to the "most snowless" winter from one year to the next, and such a change is not data that can be used in reference to global warming. FWIW, we are also experiencing a very warm and snow-free winter here in New England so far (though that seems about to change starting this week...) A couple of years ago, we had a particularly cold and nasty winter. Looking back through the history - while we may not have specific data - we do have records in the journals going back to the first colonists, of harsh winters and mild winters. ~shrug~
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