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Global Warming...Do You Care?
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Based on the last graph on that page you linked it looks like we are on the downward slope back towards a much colder period. It also appears that we can expect many large variations in temperature, and that the change over the last hundred years is hardly significant when viewed in respect to this larger scale. Next, there is evidence that humans are directly affecting the temperature on this planet through the release of green house gas. How much of an effect is disputed, and models show anywhere from near 0 influence to catastrophic influence that will destroy the planet in less that 50 years. What tends to happen is people look at the worst case data and then draw up plans of action based on this. Most of the action plans involve a group of upper middle class hippies marching around and yelling about the evils of capitalism and the values of hugging a tree, and how we need to stop all wars, and wearing fur coats and eating meat is wrong. After all the marching, chanting, dancing and drum playing is done, and we step back into reality everything becomes a little simpler. We are not going to stop burning fossil fuel until it is gone. It is far too accessible a resource to make use of. Even if highly developed societies stop using it, developing counties will continue to make use of it to provide their energy needs. Improvements towards conservation and greener living will happen in industry as it becomes economically advantageous to do so. Personal conservation will occur as it becomes more cost effective and real differences can be seen. There is no overnight cure for the human condition. At the same time, when you look at known human history, in my society, people are now living longer, with more luxury goods. They have a good deal of time to spent on Self-Transcendence. It is because all of our other needs are met by our societies that we even have time to worry about this issue. In the overall scheme of things you would get better results out of worrying about safer driving habits than about global warming. You will save more lives that way. The earth is not going to die. It has been in ways that make our climate look like a paradise. We do not suffer from constantly erupting super volcanoes, or from continent spanning electrical storms. Tornadoes and hurricanes are not daily occurances in all parts of the world. Constant earth quakes and tidal waves are not a problem on all coasts. Yes terrible things happen all the time, but throughout human history we have had to deal with and fight these things. Yes make a personal effort towards improvement. Yes try and invent alternative cleaner more efficient energy sources. Yes work towards reducing pollutants. These are all goods things. But do not be an alarmist, looking for the world to end tomorrow because of the evils that humans are inflicting upon this planet. Because that is not the case. At one point and time this planet was a floating ball of magma, with that in mind what we have right now looks pretty good. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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