OZONE Asylum
Hosting your own site???
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Google has an excellent tool, you can enter an equation, and convert to a different type. (Edit: By the way I think you want to divide by 8, not multiply by 8.) [url]http://www.google.com/search?q=1000+Kbps+to+KB%2Fs[/url] A few other things you might want to check is if your ISP blocks certain ports. I know mine blocks port 80, so no luck there. But if you're on a commercial line there's no problems. A few other things to consider would be average file size verses max file size, average load of users, and most popular page (excluding the home page). You may have 58 users max, but that might have been a peak. The average might be 10 or so. So I'd take into consideration the two most used pages, and the index. Not just the largest file. I guess if you want, what you could do is use the database server to host larger files, or non website pages, and just update your links. [Edit 2:]A wicked handy tool is "ab" which lets you test your apache setup. You might be on a slow line, but another bottleneck is just your Disk Speed and Processor (eg: if you're doing PHP). Here's an article I found last night you might like [url]http://phplens.com/phpeverywhere/tuning-apache-php[/url] rukuartic@halflght:~/$ whatis life life: nothing appropriate. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6408]rukuartic[/url] on 01-11-2007 15:15)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6408]rukuartic[/url] on 01-11-2007 15:20)[/small]
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