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Hosting your own site???
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You're right, you're not going to get the full bandwidth. It depends on a lot of factors, including the quality of your phone lines, your distance from the exchange, the carrier frequency... But, look at the priorities: why do you want to host this site yourself? Why not find yourself a good webhost, someone to whom this kind of thing is their entire business model, and use them instead? Weigh it up as a cost/benefit thing. What ongoing costs will you get from using an external webhost, and what costs will you get from the price of maintaining your own server and a high-enough bandwidth link to ensure high availability and connectivity? What will it cost you in time maintaining it externally vs maintaining it internally? I think your best option is to host the site and database externally. There are people who make thier entire living off ensuring that your site will be highly available and that regular backups are maintained and all that good stuff. Make use of them. Believe me, it'll cost you a lot less over the long term. Also, if you want to host this on a Windows box (and I'd recommend you don't) then make sure it's a dedicated webserver. Don't host it on a machine that you also use as a file server, mail server, Active Directory Domain Master, or any of that other Windows clutter. [url=http://sunday.yarinareth.net][img]http://members.ii.net/~skaarjj/tempus.gif[/img][/url] Justice 4 [url=http://www.justice4pat.com]Pat Richard[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/157]Skaarjj[/url] on 01-12-2007 15:12)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/157]Skaarjj[/url] on 01-12-2007 15:13)[/small]
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