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Who want's Vista?...
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Especially if you're used to the Linux command-line. I had the opportunity today to compare the output of the Linux 'dig' command for DNS queries, to Windows' nslookup.exe. Windows told me the name of the DNS server reporting (not necessarily the SOA, just the one that finally gave me the report), the IP address and domain that I asked for. dig, on the other hand, can potentially give me everything, down to the time-periods of the zone record, all of the various record-types in that zone, the serial number, the primary, secondary and tertiary name-servers, as well as expanding authority information, telling me how many recursive hops it took to give me the information... I have to admit, Linux is my living; but, even if it weren't, I'd still love it. I write this, of course, whilst using a Windows box, because there's some things I do in my own time, not at my job, that I simply cannot do yet in Linux, because the specific programs I have to use aren't in place under Linux. That, though, is the *only* thing which keeps me running a Windows box along-side my Linux ones. There's a great opportunity in all of this Vista furor for the Linux distro-makers. If they can talk themselves up enough against Vista, get all the functionality without any of the hassle, and pretty much pull their socks up, they can steal the market out from under Microsoft. [url=http://sunday.yarinareth.net][img]http://members.ii.net/~skaarjj/tempus.gif[/img][/url] Justice 4 [url=http://www.justice4pat.com]Pat Richard[/url]
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