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Who want's Vista?...
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:) I sort of figured some ppl here would react ;) I agree wholly, I was intrigued with vista at first, then the more I used my private Mac, plus the MacBookPro I switched to at work, the more I see that all the stuff Vista is touting is already in OSX, or for that matter a fimely tuned/setup Linux distro... Then, as I read this I felt more and more disgusted with the bare thought of an operating system that places design requirements on a thirdparty hardware manufacturer! Gah! The main thing with a computer is that it in itself should be totally neutral, the software you choose to install is what makes it possible to do things. this is now overridden by M$ Yes, I'm running a brand new top of the line PC with a maxed out graphics card and a beautiful 24" 16:9 flatscreen and I love it! But, I use it for gaming, media center and backup data storage on my 3x300Gb disk... So far that's it. Day to day private things run on my little 12" G4 Mac... With the new PC came a free "upgrade" to Vista. I really doubt that I'll even try it, perhaps on a dual boot to see what the overall experience is but I really do hate the side effects of the DRM solutions. /Dan */ I'm a ginio.....genios......genu......smart person! /* [url=http://www.dmsproject.com/] [img]http://www.dmsproject.com/gif/newSiggie.gif[/img] [/url] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?sortby=rating&id=260]{cell 260}[/url] [url=http://dmsproject.blogspot.com/]{Blog}[/url] -{ Sleep: A common physical disorder that manifests itself as the level of blood in the caffeine circulation exeeds 20% }-
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