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X, yogi DMT, blotter.....refers to LSD type trips i think X is shorthand for ecstasy although i think it is normally called e...but i'm not a crackwhore so i don't know. DMT and ecstasy would be a pretty potent combo. [quote] [b]poi said:[/b] flaming stealth banana must refer to the description of some UFO [/quote] i thought it was a flaming stealth that "banana split" the first being: [img]http://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:mlDt_UcA_FvP9M:http://people.lulu.com/storage/users/648/197648/images/25582/stealth%2520fighter.jpg[/img] the second is a play on words...instead of split...banana split [img]http://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:OCKgQIlsb8R9yM:http://www.foodmall.org/images/banana_split.gif[/img] mmmm...yummy but Poi is right, as the alien got out of the "banana vessel"...lots of play on words here...including the krispy kreme and the donut, references to the x-files, scientology, at least 2 references to the grateful dead, uncle martin(Sitcom called my favourite martian as someone pointed out) etc. the reference to sudafed? this is a decongestant found in North America. do u have this in germany? one final thought: the repeated "shit the bed" does not mean he shit on the bedsheets out of fear or being anally probed..in this context it more likely means "fucked up"...he had an opportunity to take notes and observe but he was tripping so he lost a once in a life time opportunity and he shit the bed instead. the shit the bed part, this might be a stretch though, might tie in to the song title - the fact that he had discovered the equivalent of the alien "rosetta stone" but given he was "rosetta stoned" he wasn't able to capitalize on might have been the scientific discovery of the century. Nature & Travel Photography [url=http://www.sleepingwolves.com]Visit the Sleeping Wolves[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6261]SleepingWolf[/url] on 01-19-2007 23:47)[/small]
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