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Tinnitus the silent noise
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[quote] [b]Skaarjj said:[/b] it could jsut be the oversensitivity of my hearing simulating it [/quote] i think that's exactly my case...i know that since participating in this thread i've become aware of the ringing at night...i normally don't notice it....i had to refocus my mind last night in order to mentally suppress the ringing..it worked very well and off to sleep i went. my better half has had what she describes as very loud ringing in her ears since childhood...she has learned to deal with it and almost never mentions or complains about it. but each case is different, so the only advice i can give is try to ignore it...no matter how loud.... on the other hand, if you have vertigo or hearing loss with the ringing...well that could be much more serious. Nature & Travel Photography [url=http://www.sleepingwolves.com]Visit the Sleeping Wolves[/url]
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