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Tinnitus the silent noise
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I have it too, but I'm normally so sensitive to the noise from electronic devices that I only really hear it when it's dead quiet - it is very much like the whine from a leaky capacitor. It is much more pronounced when I've been drinking, or when I'm particularly tired or stressed. It seemed to start for no particular reason when I was about six (I believe I had conjunctivitis) and has been ever-present and variable in intensity since. Oddly, it shifts from one ear to the other sometimes, or becomes momentarily very intense, then fades back into the background. Working in an office saturated in electronic equipment, it never bothers me during the day - I can hear the noise of every fan motor, charging capacitor, CRT, fluorescent light, transformer, etc, etc - and at such a level that I probably wouldn't notice if an insect was singing soprano in my skull. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this sensitivity - many have accused me of imagining it. I have often diagnosed impending failures with equipment based on the noise they emit - and I don't just mean the dreaded hard-drive "clik of death"... When I was living out in the country, half-way up an Irish mountain, I thought I had it really bad for a while - night after night, the whine was so bad it kept me from sleeping. I thought I would go mad right up until I found the source of my torment; an electronic mouse-deterrent! I hadn't noticed the thing plugged into a socket just outside my bedroom, and when I switched it off, the peace was blessed indeed! My normal level of background whine was restored, and almost welcome. Predictably, not long after I pulled the plug on it, I spotted mice several times that I hadn't noticed before. It seems that they and I shared a mutual hatred of the thing's noise - it actually was effective as an irritation to us both! I'm afraid that I have no idea of an effective treatment. I find that meditation can help to "tune out" the noise, and a few minutes relaxation can help reduce the stress and tension that often exacerbates it, but when it's at its peak, I just do my best to ignore it - along with the pulsing whine of my mobile chargers and radio alarm clock, and of course the constant noise of passing sirens, neighbours getting home drunk and rowdy, or watching their televisions with the volume up... Use of a therapy lamp in the mornings (to help me fight the winter blues) has helped me enjoy my days more. The reduction in stress and depression, along with the general boost to my energy levels throughout the day, means that I feel less exhausted in the evenings. As a result (perhaps, indirectly) I haven't suffered so much with it. In fact, I have had fewer headaches since starting to use the lamp too. Perhaps my headaches and tinnitus are directly related to stress? That would be far less worrying than the thought of a CAT scan... O.o Good luck with those results - and with coping with the noise! It actually helps me to know that there are so many others out there with the same problems! [small][i][b][url=http://www.vectorpark.com/]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.i-am-bored.com]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod4/amanita/samorost/intro.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://uploads.ungrounded.net/59000/59593_alien_booya.swf]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.kiteretsu.jp/on/grow3/]ZZZ[/url][url=http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/beukers/dawkins/dawkins.html]zzz[/url][url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/23036].....[/url][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/b][/i][/small]
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