OZONE Asylum
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Tinnitus the silent noise
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[img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/asylum/idcard.gif[/img] I thought I'd post an update. Yesterday I got the results of my MRI scan at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. I'm delighted to say that I was cleared completely of any nasties in my head like tumours or rumours of tumours. Yay =) I really wanted to get a copy of the scan to show y'all but for some daft reason the National Health Service don't allow copies to be made or sold (yup, I offered hard cash too.) After a good ten minute chat with the specialist the only new piece of information I learned was this. The actual reason we hear these noises is because our wonderful and resourseful brains realise that there is a hearing loss at whatever frequency and attempts to boost the signal at that frequency to compensate. A bit like turning up the volume of your radio while it is tuned into a weak transmission, you get lots of background hiss. I took the recording I made of the simulation of the sound I hear to the specialist and it is more or less the same frequency as the hearing loss I present at the hearing test. The specialist was surprised and amused that I had taken the time to simulate the tinnitus sound and make an MP3 of it. So now I can get back to the task of ignoring it and managing the condition. I have to say that reading all your wonderful responses above really helped me just as much as the specialist hospital treatment. Shine on you crazy diamonds. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4175]Tao[/url] on 03-29-2007 20:54)[/small]
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