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Tinnitus the silent noise
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Wow, I missed this thread when it came around the first time. I've had tinnitus since I was real young. No doubt it came from shooting firearms without the proper hearing protection every now and then. The first time I recall actually noticing it was in 7th grade. It was exactly like wj and skaarj said above [quote="warjournal"]Actually, the electro-mechanical thing is kind of weird. Sometimes it's pure electrical. I can actually hear pure electrical from some distance sometimes. Run some low voltage through a transformer and I go nuts trying to figure out where the whine is coming from. "Who turned that on?" and I go running about like a ferret.[/quote] I walked into our science lab and not 2 feet through the doorway my eyes opened up and I knew there was a television on in the room. Sure enough, I walked to the back of the room and there was a tv on the floor, muted, behind a table. As soon as I saw the tv it sent a shiver down my spine. For the most part I don't notice the constant ringing now. But as soon as I think about it (since I started reading this thread) I hear it. If it ever gets completely quiet around me I'll hear it; luckily though I've just about always got music playing or a computer fan next to me. twitch^ hit the nail on the head too: [quote="twitch^"]The only real problem is that when you're always listening to music, you sometimes run out of things you want to hear. Audio-books, relaxation noise (rain forest anyone?), whistling, whatever. I feel your pain.[/quote] I'm constantly trying to find new music to listen to, or even just something I haven't heard in a couple months sometimes. One treatment I've heard about before is to take a [url=http://www.tinnitusformula.com/infocenter/articles/treatments/zinc.aspx]zinc supplement[/url]. I haven't tried it, but talking about it again, I think I might give it a shot next time I go to the store. I've never tried to identify the frequency I hear, but I want to try now, just out of curiosity. -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
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