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Tinnitus the silent noise
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Um... hi... long time no existence I know. I seem to remember hearing something about a "hearing aid" that was being used to help mask the effects of tinnitus on the ear/mind. Instead of just amplifying sounds from outsid ethe ear it produced a negative frequency to that of your particular tinnitus. It was something akin to standing near running water and having that alleviate your symptoms or a white noise that was enough to counteract the tinnitus but still allow you to hear. I'm not having a lot of luck tracking any links down and it was a year or more ago... I'll see if I can't find something and update the thread. Good to see the familiar faces are still here =) heh. GD [UPDATE]Using Sound to Suppress Tinnitus - 3/14/07 (From [url=http://www.ata.org/]American Tinnitus Association[/url] For many years, people have been using sound to mask (cover up) tinnitus. Now, researchers at the University of California in Irvine are looking for a way to use sound to silence tinnitus altogether. In this case study (a study of just one person), Dr. Fan-Gang Zeng was able to use an external sound, directed through the subject's cochlear implant, to suppress the subject's tinnitus. Dr. Zeng notes, "the suppressor can be much softer and more pleasant (lower pitch) than the tinnitus." For those without cochlear implants, he says, "I also believe the technology to help is here already: Internet, MP3 player and iPod." This research was presented at the Mid-Winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, but has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. You can read more about Dr. Zeng's research [url=http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/hesp/news/ARO2007%20Tinnitus.pdf]here[/url] (link goes to .pdf) and download the sound used to suppress the subject's tinnitus [URL=http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/hesp/news/suppressor_6960_1min.wav]here.[/URL] (link goes to .wav)This sound was customized over several months for one specific subject and is for demonstration purposes only. [/UPDATE] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2337]GrythusDraconis[/url] on 04-13-2007 19:31)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2337]GrythusDraconis[/url] on 04-13-2007 19:38)[/small]
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