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Tinnitus the silent noise
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This is one of those threads that I never bothered to read... now I realize how much it relates to me. I had Tinnitus since I can remember. I never realized that it was a hearing condition until I saw this. Something that may have a hand in mine would probably be rain. I lived in Washington state for the first 7 years of my life, and people who live there know it rains a lot. I recall this one time very clearly when I was 5 (I think) and I was waiting in our family car and everything was dead quiet, so quiet I could hear a pin drop. I took notice of the ring in my ears (very much like Tao's audio sample) and it seemed to get louder and louder but it really wasn't. So fast forward to now, and I still have the ring (I have it now as I type this). I have developed some ways to combat it, it seems to work fine for me most of the time. If it's irritating enough, which is very rarely (only a few times in a year), I would stop whatever I'm doing (unless what I'm doing is important, like driving) and just focus on the ringing. I find that trying to twitch my ears makes it louder, but I eventually start thinking of something and my mind forgets about listening, much like daydreaming. I sometimes can even do this in the middle of loud noises (vacuum, etc.) and then for a second I could swear I didn't hear anything. After reading this whole thread, I realize that it could be the reason I can't go to sleep at times. I grew up around computers, so that may be another factor. I can still hear clearly TVs that are on and other high pitch sounds my parents can't hear. For all we know, it could be cell phones, they may be frying our ears, not our brains. So, thanks Tao for bumping this up. I hope what I said could help others. :) [url=http://www.zavaboy.com][img]http://asylum.zavaboy.com/zavaboy.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4778]zavaboy[/url] on 02-04-2008 07:15)[/small]
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