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Tinnitus the silent noise
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Sorry to drag this old thread out of the shadows and dust, but I've had a recent revelation. I've discovered that while I suffer tinnitus particularly when tired or stressed, the most noticeable noise in my head usually directly precedes a migraine aura. I get weird visual, auditory, and other sensory hallucinations sometimes - more often during the Winter (thanks to SAD) - but I rarely get the headaches I used to get with them. Sometimes, I get a massive increase in tinnitus-like noise for a while before the aura becomes apparent. I've become so used to migraine auras over the years (started when I was eleven) that I've found ways of calming it down and avoiding the worst of the symptoms (blindness, insensibility, absolutely-intolerable-screaming-agony). I haven't had a full-blown migraine headache since I was about sixteen. The thing is, the occurence of aura has been increasing in frequency for a while now. I have come to blame energy efficient bulbs, as my father suffers migraines (far, far worse than mine ever were - something I couldn't even begin to imagine) and he's noticed an increase in them since changing all the bulbs in our house. It makes some sense, as I've never been able to spend an entire day under flourescent lights without my eyes going bad, though I haven't noticed such a substantial effect with these. Anyway, as I've started to determine a link between an increase in my tinnitus and the auras, regardless of the cause, I have to ask if any tinnitus victims here suffer, or have ever suffered from migraine auras, migraine headaches (usually very severe headaches or headaches on one side of the head), or visual disturbances in artificial light? Has this ever coincided with a noticeable increase in tinnitus? How about normal headaches - do you ever find your tinnitus is greater when your head is throbbing? Is it possible that the 'morning-after' tinnitus is related to the 'morning-after' headache, and not the volume of the rock band the night before? I've been thinking about this for a while, and this thread was the most obvious place I could think of to pose the question. [img]http://www.google.com/chart?chs=40x30&chc=localtime&cht=cf&chd=s:PJ&sig=8tMBYDy8vLEogvj8hI5DWwaF_Mc[/img] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 02-24-2009 12:14)[/small]
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