OZONE Asylum
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Tinnitus the silent noise
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Synchronicity abounds! I've been waiting for an appointment to take my search for treatment to the next level. The "next level" being palliative treatment as prescribed by my doctor and most of the medical professionals I've talked to over the years. I did receive an introductory letter from a clinic (whose name I can't remember) about six months ago. They wanted me to fill in an assessment form before considering me for any treatment, the first two questions had me scrunching up the letter and throwing it in the bin. [ulist] *Would you describe your childhood as a happy one? *Would you say you had a good relationship with your Mother and/or Father? [/ulist] After a few days I dug out and unscrunched the letter with the intent of replying, without filling in the tick boxes provided and adding my own more pertinent notes. Alas, the deadline had passed for me to reply so I've had to wait till now to reapply. I really don't think having a chat about my childhood relationships is going to help my tinnitus, but it is a "hoop" I have to jump through in order to access any other help. I've heard of migraine auras before White Hawk. I seem to remember the discussion explaining electrical activity in the brain prior to and during a migraine can also affect the parts of the brain that controls vision, perhaps causing these auras. I do not have anything like that I'm glad to say, and I'm sorry to hear that you are a sufferer. I have those energy efficient light bulbs all over my place and the only adverse way they affect me is that I can hear them, which can be very irritating. When I sit in a room with say, two or three table lamps switched on, there is a kind of harmonic resonance that seems to build up with the tinnitus. [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [img]http://digitao.co.uk/sigs/liquidboogie2.gif[/img] [/url]
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