OZONE Asylum
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Tinnitus the silent noise
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I have it, too. Had it since I was a teenager. I had a lot of ear infections in middle/high school, so I'm fairly sure that's what did it. Of course, the concerts I went too as a teen probably didn't help, either. It's a high-pitched modulated sound (I've never tried to track down the frequency) that never goes away. Odd thing is, I realized I had it one night when I laid down to sleep and realized that I couldn't remember the last time I heard [i]nothing[/i]. It's most prominent when I'm stressed or when there aren't any competing noises. (I'm guessing that stress sharpens my focus on my hearing in a 'fight-or-flight' kind of way, making it that much more noticeable.) I suspect I have a small amount of hearing loss as well, as I've noticed myself occasionally asking people to repeat things in the last few years (I'm 33, so I'm a little young for an ear trumpet). I've never sought treatment for it, but I do keep my eye out for news. Most of what I've heard involves retraining, although I heard something a while back about a supplement to treat it. I'll try to track down the name, although I'm always wary of a supplement claiming to do anything for anything. [url=http://www.steamenginechaos.com/mage/ether.htm] [img]http://www.steamenginechaos.com/photoshop/sig/rook.gif[/img] [/url] Evil in theory, not so much in practice...
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