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Life Change
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I'll do like Suho and slip in my 2 cents, if that's ok. I think people in general tend to categorize life as comprised of "either or" propositions. Either you will be happy by doing X or you will be miserable by doing Y. I don't agree. Life offers many options, and sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too..if you plan right. What you're contemplating to do can be "eased into". In other words, rather than sell all your belongings and hit the road whole hog, why not plan to leave for 6 months or 18 months rather than "forever". Visit another country, another continent - hedge your risk this way. You will gain insights and memories that will last a life time: the exciting stories to tell your kids and grandkids. The bad news now is that you are feeling unhappy, unsatisfied. The good news is thankfully you are thinking about doing something to change that - but this doesn't have to be drastic. you can make the changes in phases...or not...that's up to you. You are only 25 - that's still very young - now's the time for a significant life change..no kids, no huge responsibilities, your whole life in front of you. So if you do it, then do it now. But hopefully plan it out first, at least as best you can, try to have a plan B in case what you were looking for was already there. ...give it lots of thought, measure the costs vs the benefits (in human and monetary terms)....but remember that you do have lots of choices ranging from taking a long vacation, a very long vacation, or just selling everything and starting from scratch. Just remember though, that whatever you do you can't go back to Kansas by clicking your shoes. Things will never be exactly the same as when you left. Like the novel from Thomas Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again. It's ultimately your decision, your choice, your adventure, and I wish you the best of luck. Either way i really doubt you will end up without a leg or selling your body for drugs like some cheap crackwhore. :) :) [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6261]SleepingWolf[/url] on 01-22-2007 13:58)[/small]
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