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Life Change
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I have talked to my girlfriend a great deal about this. She is someone I love, respect. She is there to talk with me about all of my crazy ideas. She is not for the idea of me going on such a trip. She would rather I take a long vacation and do some searching and then come home two or three weeks later. She is very much for the do it slowly approach, go out and do what you have to do, but come home shortly afterwards. On a trip of adventure would she come with me? yes. On an extended venture from our current existence? That might be doubtful. At then end of things if I am truly looking for a life changing experience she might have to be part of the equation that would keep me where I currently am instead of on the other side. This is something that I will have to account for. It is difficult, but many decisions in life are difficult. What I am trying to do right now is take a deep breath and look at all of my options. I am asking advice from others and weighing that against my own feelings and desires. In that advice maybe there will be options to consider that I have not thought about. Maybe there will be advice that I can learn from, as to not make the same mistakes, or to take as a path to attempt to emulate. Not being happy is not a horrible thing in this case. It is a warning that indicates some form of change is required. At the time of the original post I was in the grips of a *bang wow inspiration* moment. It was a moment of powerful insight into myself. During those moments there are a rush of what appear to be great ideas, and some might be but they need careful consideration. I really do appreciate the advice going both ways. I am using it to full effect in my considerations. I am not sure at this point what will happen, but I am doing some very hard thinking on it.
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