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General Question to see if this pisses you off too....
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Ok, I'm pretty sure it's not just my company but every company I've ever worked for has an I.T. department that thinks they shit gold, are all empowering, and think they know every damn thing about computers. I give most of them credit as they do tend to know their shit, but sometimes, they have the personality of a pea, on her period. Really irritating stuff. And being the web designer for this particular company, they show even less love as they probably feel threatened by my presence here, even thought I don't know shit about networking aside from what I did at my home studio. Ok that was my first rant... this next one is just a question to parents... Last night about 10pm'ish my sons phone recieved a text message (he's 10) and being the curious parent wondering who the hell is texting him at 10 at night, there was a link to an online gallery and apparently one of his classmates really likes him and sent him a picture of herself, all made up (10 years old mind you) blowing a kiss to him saying "I love you.".... So I did what every concerned parent would do..... told my wife. She then proceeded to call her mom and proceed to be Jacklyn Bauer in interogation mode... (if you dont understand, don't ask...) And that was just my monday! God I hate L.A. traffic!! [img]http://www.wayoutwestenterprises.com/images/rob_sp_sig.gif[/img]
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