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This is yet another reason why I'll never be having children. Were I in Rob's place, I would have gone a step further: I don't care what children see on the Internet. I really, truly do not. And any being that sprung forth from my seed would have the capability, if not bred into him than urged out of him with his upbringing, to know better than a) using MySpace to go hook up with anonymous strangers at the age of 15, b) to be deeply, horribly scarred from 'adult' talk. Me, I'm tired of helping children. Save the Children! Save the Children! Fuck the children. Not aimed at you, Rob, you're obviously doing well with your son. He's well-adjusted, has a knowledge of right and wrong, and even is aware enough to try to cover his tracks. You're fine. But for the rest of this goddamn world, coddling children actually means coddling parents who shouldn't have spawned. Children get entirely too much attention these days and it goes to truly embarrassing lengths. Stop trying to protect children so much, people, because you're making them soft and pointless. Expendable humans to further the embarrassing chug-chug of industry. Generation after generation of thoughtless children destined for nothing greater than head fry cook. Again, to be certain Rob, this rant is totally seperate from you. You're fine. Fuck the rest of 'em. -[url=http://www.brokenhattrick.com]steve[/url]
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