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Suhu, actually, reading it again, I don't think the man won so much as the bank didn't bother to show up to any of the proceedings, which meant the courts ruled in the man's favor by default. It's not that the courts agreed with his charges as they really had no other option. The bank was stupid for not responding in court. And it says the initial charges the man was disputing was garnered over six years of business, which means that he'd either been putting off paying them or had repeatedly been charged the fees in question for various reasons. HOLY SH*T!!! I just used an online currency converter to see what £3,400 pounds equals in US dollars - $6,640.61 according to [url=http://www.xe.com/ucc/]this site[/url]. $54/£28 is more than a bit steep for an overdraft fee, but if it's clearly stated that amount is the fee, then you don't have much of a bitch coming when you get caught. Like I said, branch managers have access to account histories, and it's plainly visible if someone is a chronic offender or if they are the victim of some bad timing. In fact, I mentioned this article to my husband just now, and while he said he's not had an issue with fees this large, it didn't surprise him all that much. He did say that his first call of the morning tomorrow was to call a customer about some fees, as a matter of fact. _____________________ [sigrotate][img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig04a.gif[/img]|[img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig03b.gif[/img]|[img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/rhyssa_oct06_asylum_06.gif[/img][/sigrotate] [url=http://coeurdefeu.com]coeur de feu[/url] :: [url=http://www.grimwell.com]Grimwell Online[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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