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{{EDIT: 2 posts were slipped in while I was typing this, so forgive me if anything was covered already... I think I'm a little dizzy after reading all of this.... :o Ok, let me try to clarify what I think I got from your posts ;) 1) evey element in HTML has default styling. There is default styling specified by the w3c, and there is also default styling defined by the browsers themselves (so an h1, with no CSS defned, will not necessarily look the same in different browsers). 2) any styles you define for those elements over ride the default settings. 3) the proper tag should always be used for you element - not because of hardwired styles, but because the tag gives meaning to the structure of your document. When it comes down to it, you could code your entire site as a series of <font> tags, and with the appropriate CSS make it behave and look however you wanted. The tag used should reflect the prupose of the element, so that without the CSS present (or without a browser even) the document make sense. [quote] [b]skyetyger said:[/b] It really puzzles me when I am using the H1,H2 headers because those were Specific..in old HTML..but now that those are Styled..everyone says to sue them..which I avoid..because of the old "hardwired" mode.. [/quote] Again, I am unclear on your meaning exactly, but basically look at it like this: An h1 is always an h1 - it is very specific in regard to what it is, what its purpose is, and the meaning that it lends to the structure of your document. How it looks is entirely dependent on your CSS, and should be thought of in completely seperate terms from what it *is*. In other words: don't worry about what the default stylings of an element are when you are coding your HTML - code your HTML using the appropriate tag for job, and work in all of your style related issues after the fact. [url=http://in-dented.net/sigs/][img]http://in-dented.net/sigs/rotate.php[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 02-14-2007 17:27)[/small]
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