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"Kansas repeals science guidelines questioning evolution"
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I was never comparing Evolution to intelligent design. There are problems with Evolution. Last time I read my textbook, I sure didn't see anything about the fossil record missing "transitional forms" and the outright contradiction of thermodynamic's 2nd law. You'll notice that this isn't, "It contradicts my beliefs..." it contradicts science. And as for Intelligent Design being rediculous? How about I place all the pieces of a sports car inside a large room, shake it around for a few millenia, and open to find a Porsche. Not to mention, building a Porsche is much easier than building a living, breathing human. Ah. There. I just contradicted myself, and compared Intelligent Design to Evolution. Couldn't resist that one. twItch^, so there's never been a fossil pieced together and labeled the missing link? rukuartic@halflght:~/$ whatis life life: nothing appropriate.
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