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"Kansas repeals science guidelines questioning evolution"
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It took me too long to write this. WebShaman -- Exasperated sighs are not necessary. Neither are words in caps. You're not speaking to a six year old, you're debating with an adult. To make sure that we're all on the same page here, I'm not arguing micro-evolution. Yes, you can breed something to look completely different. If you put a pile of giraffes in a land with tall trees, you'll either find no giraffes in X years or giraffes with significantly longer necks. Yes you may ind cows that get so fat that they stand in water because their legs can't support them. No, you won't see their legs disappear and gills grow. While looking through the five common misconceptions, I found a few interesting things. The first is their list of "Observed Instances of Specification". They're plants and fruit flies, perhaps the easiest things to toy with. Alright, so they get a rather mutated offspring. That checks out. But, the fruit flies they bred didn't turn into ants. You could breed them to the point where they have no wings and look like ants, but they're still fruit flies. They won't seek out different food, or work with a pack mentality. Their other arguments seemed to try and sidestep the issue or target people basing their entire argument on one point. For instance, the one on transitional fossils. You'll note that I didn't say there weren't any, I just said there were a few key ones that they haven't found yet. I did some research and found it slightly humorous that from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0e/Lucy_Mexico.jpg, they could come up with http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8b/Laetoliafar.jpg.jpg . And here I'm marked for not understanding Evolution because I quote thermodynamics. Let me call you people out who think ID folks think the world is flat. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0104/ps2.html If you actually believe either of those sites are credible... And DL-44, I jumped the gun on my sports car comment. Where did life come from? rukuartic@halflght:~/$ whatis life life: nothing appropriate.
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