OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
"Kansas repeals science guidelines questioning evolution"
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[quote]We know a house had an architect and a builder. We know an automobile had a manufacturer. We know a child had parents. We know a watch had a maker. We know that an airplane was designed by aeronautical engineers, and that crystals form the same way every time, according to their properties. We know that mosquitoes hatch from larvae, which were laid by adult mosquitoes, which were hatched from larvae, just as we know chickens were hatched from eggs, which were laid by adult hens, which were hatched from eggs. We know that all life exists in a cycle, and that life comes only from pre-existing life. Further, life comes only from pre-existing life of the same kind.[/quote] I was unaware that Engineers and airplanes were of the same species. I wonder if airplanes are as good at foosball?
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