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"Kansas repeals science guidelines questioning evolution"
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Everything in science is questioned. For clarification: evolution (along with a great many other things) is not "still a theory" in that one day it might graduate to "fact". In science, as opposed to in common usage I suppose, a theory is a very solid thing, based on testable, observable, measurable facts. Evolution is a theory, yes. Evolution is also a fact. While obviously the implementation of teaching any given subject is open to a wide range of thoroughness based on the competence of the teacher, you can be sure that any serious scientist is very interested in all sides of any theory. What side is it that you feel is not being shown - other than the "these facts contradict our beliefs" side? Comparing evolution and intelligent design on equal footing is a purely ludicrous concept however, for reasons that we've gone over far too many times to bring out here and now (if truly interested, check the FAQ for 'evolution'). And if there were anything resembling an alternate scientific theory, it would be jumped on by scientists around the globe. [url=http://in-dented.net/sigs/][img]http://in-dented.net/sigs/rotate.php[/img][/url]
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