OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Presidential campaign in 2nd life.
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Second Life is my current hobby. Keeps me busy and out of trouble. But when it comes to SL, I'm a content creator. Build, texture, script, and even some animating. It's nice being able to create with all of these things without having to do every little thing. You know, the environment is already there as oppossed to building the environment myself. I do socialize a little bit, have a few friends, and get crazy on occassion. Generally just messing with people. Like trying to sell Fake ID cards to the newbs. Or even trying to sell condoms. Hell, I even go wild boar hunting at Apollo on occassion. But these 'glorified IRC' people really get on my nerves. People get married in SL and take it very seriously. OMG. Then there was the French political guy incident not too long ago. OMG. Political champaigns in SL? OMG. I like SL because I can focus my creativity without getting caught up in the nitty-gritty tech stuff. But a great deal of the SL folks do need a first life. Hang my head in shame? Hold my head up proudly? Either way, dismiss the drama. Some people - ugh!
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