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Presidential campaign in 2nd life.
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[quote] [b]DL-44 said:[/b] How about frightening and sad? [/quote] I'm all over the map on this one. Being something of a political junkie I like the idea that candidates are using all available vehicles to get out their message. Bottom line however is...it's political advertising so I ask myself this question: Is there a difference between spreading bullshit in a virtual world and the real world? My thinking then becomes even more muddled. Just how 'virtual' is this world really? A major news agency has a reporter running around in a virtual world reporting back to the 'real' world. The IRS or Canadian equivalent (can't remember which) is trying to figure out if real world taxes can be applied to real world money generated by selling virtual headphones in a virtual world. Then I wonder if a virtual assassination can be that far off. And if more than one 'virtual' participant is involved I doubt that real world conspiracy charges can be that far off. It's enough I tell ya to have this old guy reaching for a bottle but it's only 10am. Maybe I'll jump the gun by 5 minutes. =) ___________________________________________________________________________ "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it." Mark Twain
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