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ANN: International Digital Earth 3D Visualization contest
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got this on a list i'm subscribed to. am posting here in case anyone is interested: Dear Colleagues: An unprecedented International Digital Earth 3D Visualization contest has been launched, under sponsorship of Google, NASA, ESRI, and other technology leaders. This international contest will seek to discover the best examples of visualizing the challenging issues involved in bridging science to public understanding, policy, and action. Please find contest rules and entry form at: http://www.isde5.org/grandchallenge We would sincerely appreciate if you would share the attached poster and information above to your colleagues and students. Six winners will be flown to UC Berkeley for the 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth where they will experience a life-changing opportunity to debut their work and be recognized as the bright stars of our future. Thank you for your support of this time-sensitive Grand Challenge. Please send all inquiries to info@isde5.org Dr. Timothy W. Foresman, Director-General, 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth
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