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Well, really, since he asked for the comparison between two groups of things, the comparison is quite clear. (non open-source: Photoshop, Lightroom specifically) vs. (open source: 'best breed apps for photo editing and imaging) So... of course the two aren't free. They're on the 'non open-source' side of the comparison. Anyway, Wolf, there is a sorrow in that Photoshop is the best. There's almost no reason to compare it with something open source, unless your goals are much less detailed than what you can get with PS. I'll grant that for the vast majority of computer users, Photoshop (even Photoshop Elements) is over-powered. You can do just as well with [url=http://www.gimp.org/]GIMP[/url] or [url=http://www.getpaint.net/index2.html]Paint.NET[/url] if you're not concerned about intensive level modification, deep curves adjustment, countless filters, and a powerful stroke management system. For straight out photo editing, if that's all you're doing, it probably doesn't matter which system you use. It is a poor carpenter, they say, who blames his tools. But I think many PS users stick with it solely because it's what they're accustomed to. I know that's why I stay with it. -[url=http://www.brokenhattrick.com]steve[/url]
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