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...well, hello - I discovered you lot through googling for some help/advice/valium for a "blue screen" problem. Its a DELL (don't leave just yet!!) Inspiron 9300 - XP Pro, 2Gb RAM,- and has happily flashed/photoshopped/bryced & posers for about 2.5 years. Am normally not *too* bad at keeping updates etc, well - up to date...but Saturday night I got the dreaded "blue screen" as I shut down. The error message is a STOP: c000021A, etc - "Windows logon process failed...." Ive googled, and come up with a few thoughts - but like I said, I just make pictures really. Here's some info ;) It appears its a WINLOGON.exe fault, but Im told this could also be a virus (I run AVG daily) - I recently unistalled several unused programs (and to make way for new ones) & ran a reg cleaner afterwards. I went through my event viewer and found lots of pretty red crosses referring to "Security Centre 1800" and "Application Error 1000" - aha! (not) Ive run RegCure, Registry Healer, PerfectDisk - makes no difference. My programs run ok - so far. I noticed previously that my laptop gets very hot where the screen meets the keyboard - a friend told me about DELL laptop batteries, but my serial wasnt included - so I make sure the fans are clear and try not to "stress it" with massive image renders etc.... Im blonde & dyslexic and stuck...:D Any ideas? Advice? Valium? Scotia ;) Id tell you the meaning of life, I discovered it some time ago but sadly forgot to write it down.
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