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found this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/156669 and this: [quote]The STOP 0xC000021A error occurs when either Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe fails. When the Windows NT kernel detects that either of these processes has stopped, it stops the system and raises the STOP 0xC000021A error. Most STOP 0xC000021A errors occur because Winlogon.exe fails, which typically occurs because of a faulty third-party Graphical Identification and Authentication (GINA) DLL. The GINA is a replaceable DLL component that Winlogon.exe loads. The GINA implements the authentication policy of the interactive logon model. The GINA performs all identification and authentication user interactions. It is very common for certain types of remote control software to replace the default Windows GINA DLL (Msgina.dll). Therefore, a good first step is to examine the system to see if it has a third-party GINA DLL. To do this, locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value = GinaDLL REG_SZ - If the Gina DLL value is present and is anything other than Msgina.dll, this probably means that a third-party product has changed this value. - If this value is not present, the system uses Msgina.dll as the default GINA DLL[/quote] Nature & Travel Photography [url=http://www.sleepingwolves.com]Visit the Sleeping Wolves[/url] When you finish i strongly recommend you buy Norton Ghost. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6261]SleepingWolf[/url] on 03-05-2007 00:02)[/small]
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