OZONE Asylum
Resto... Heeeelp!
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Well... I sorta learned a bit from the exercise, thanks peoples :) A large part of the a lot of the green caste problem solved itself because I always intended to put the original image in one corner of the end result... no prize for guessing which corner! DL, i've spent nearly every free waking hour for the last two days mucking around with this... particularly with your suggestion but I never perfected a way to apply a "graded effect" (?poor description) on the green caste. The problems I had centered around green being the opposite to magenta, so I sorta fixed one bit and buggered another :rolleyes: Do you know of any tutes I can go to... I looked high and low but don't really know how to describe what I'm looking for... overall castes I'm right for now, thanks to your and zava's prompts... maybe, no I am, making hard work of a seemingly simple adjustment :mad: I don't want someone to do it for me, the posted image has been printed and sent... everyone's happy at that end... but not me... it's a mishmash and I wanna get it better for next time! [url=http://www.handr.com.au/Asylum/ozonehyde%200903finalJPG.jpg][img]http://www.handr.com.au/Asylum/ozonehyde%200903finalJPGs.jpg[/img][/url]
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