OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
I got myself into a little trouble.... what should i do?
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Hmmm. Actually, assumptions, morals, and perception have little to do with... law. To which state's law is the image copyright subject? Was it registered in any way? Is there any kind of trademark or watermark set to prove the creator's point? Because in the end, and I understand why the customer was not shocked... in the end, it boils down to that : if the maker did not explicitly claim copyright at first, managed to post a version of the image which doesn't allow recognition of the author, I'd say he has no right to anything, anytime under most occidental countries laws - not even an answer to his claim. Laws exist for cases like this, where individuals or groups of individuals have a perception of what is fair, and the reality may be different. Speaking about a devil's advocate...
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