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I got myself into a little trouble.... what should i do?
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[quote] [b]Nemesis said:[/b] Claim ignorance.[/quote] Ignorance is not a valid defense. [quote]Appoligise profusely, remove the image immediately and explain that you had found the image online and was under the impression it was royalty free. Claim you went back to the royalty free sites that you visit because you don't remember which one it was from and can no longer find said image. Even explain that its not your habit to even use royalty free images, and that you had only done so for a mock up but due to unrelated issues never got around to replacing it.[/quote] In other words, lie in an attempt to weasel your way out of responsibility? None of this changes the fact that an image was used without permission. [quote]Sympathize with the person, agreeing that you yourself would not want your work claimed as someone else's, and never would under any circumstances knowingly do so, and then question them as to why they would not have simply brought that matter to your attention, for which you would gladly have removed the image.[/quote] Ah, yes, try to shift the blame to them and make them seem like the bad guys. <Mr. Burns>Excellent.</Mr Burns> [quote]Tell them you will gladly pay the $1000, but all financial transactions are subject to a $1500 administration fee, which needs to be settled first. (Actually, don't do that)[/quote] Uh, yeah. Are you from Nigeria, by any chance? [quote]Ask them to justify the damages, and explain to you why on good faith they had not communicated their concerns. As artists / professionals a need exists to look out for each other.[/quote] In case my sarcasm went undetected in the Mr. Burns comment: there is no way you win this battle by trying to make them out to be the bad guys, especially when you are in the wrong. [quote] And get this thread deleted! [/quote] Or at least these last two posts. :rolleyes: Follow twItch^'s advice. Remove the image immediately (if you haven't done so already). Then attempt to reason with them--not the lawyers, but with the guy whose work you abused, if possible. Be completely honest. If he's a decent individual, he may not insist on the payment for damages. $1000 does sound like a lot, but unless you're interested in spending money on legal fees to contest the amount (not the payment itself, just the amount), I'm not sure that you have much of a choice. Anyway, immediate removal of the image should be the first step. [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/sigs/suho_taegeuk_sig2.gif[/img] ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/4837]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5689]Sig Rotator[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22173]the Fellowship of Sup[/url]
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