OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
I got myself into a little trouble.... what should i do?
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Mr.Burns: Quick Smithers. Bring the mind eraser device! Smithers:You mean the revolver, sir? Mr.Burns: Precisely. A decent individual would have emailed and complained about the the problem first and foremost without immediately seeking legal action and going after damages. Not everyone in this world is out to "abuse" others work. I have had it done to me, and I realize how mad it makes someone... but shooting first and asking questions later is not the best practice. The fact that Rob asked for advice on the mistake tells me that he probably like myself doesn't have the ability to throw $1000 at the issue and take it as a learning lesson. My suggestion was a way to try and get out of having to do that.... in the same way you would try and get out of a speeding ticket. I was in no way implying that ignorance justifies anything... obviously the work has to be removed immediately. And the guy, definately needs an appology. But $1000? Without the chance to explain and remove it? I would also change the practice of using other peoples work. Even in mock ups. Jason
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