OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
I got myself into a little trouble.... what should i do?
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[quote] [b]Nemesis said:[/b] A decent individual would have [/quote] Just to play devil's advocate here, it could as easily be argued that a "decent individual" would not have used someone else's copyrigthed material on a professional design project. Keep in mind, this isn't someone's personal site - it's a professional venture for which the designer was paid. And it would seem that the person or group from which the photo was taken is one that is accustomed to being paid, and probably well, for their work. I would say that almost without exception, this kind of case can easily be setteled by reasoning with the person whos property has been taken, without resulting in paying $1,000. *IF* it is approached correctly. Approaching it as if you are not in the wrong when you clearly are, or approaching as if the person whos property you took is somehow in the wrong is the surest way to get absolutely nowhere - end up losing out financially, losing the respect of your client (and all the bad word of mouth that can generate), and just generally knocking yourself down a peg or two. So I must strongly reiterate twitch^'s advice - make sure the image has been removed (like, it should have been done within moments of getting this information), get in contact with the person/company, and see what you can work out. Mistakes happen, and can be rectified... [url=http://in-dented.net/sigs/][img]http://in-dented.net/sigs/rotate.php[/img][/url]
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