OZONE Asylum
annoying things...
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Heh yeah White Hawk, railway PA systems on platforms and trains, too true, I can rarely understand them, they're on the list. twItch^ I totally agree, lists are on the list too :p I pull [b]all[/b] the lables out of my clothes as soon as I can, I sometimes wait till I get home and try to cut them out but usually they are sewn in so tight, almost woven into the seams. While we are on the clothes theme why [i]are[/i] all the seams on the inside of clothes right next to the skin? Surely they should be on the outside so that the stiching around the raised fabric does not chafe. In fact whenever I wear Tshirts or vests I always turn them inside out. There, I've said it. People letting their dogs crap in the street and leaving it there. People letting their cats out overnight to kill innocent wild creatures. People who let their kids out at night and who do not have any idea what they get up to. People who constantly sniff in public librarys and get uptight when you suggest they blow their nose. Ah, 'tis good to be back, me so happy [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/asylum/cryin.gif[/img] [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/sigs/dementao3.gif[/img]
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