OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Second Life
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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] I think that such "cyberspace" type things will eventually become the "norm" - meaning that as the internet lines get faster, computers better, and graphics easier to render and more realistic, a cyberspace type environment becomes more and more feasible. [/quote] Hmmm... Yes, I agree... But do any of you think the whole thing might become a second reality? If not economically, at least socially - although I have a feeling it could well become an economical matter too? For instance, do you think people will be able to fail or/and succed in any of the real and virtual world? I mean, there are already people who have successful businesses in second life; does that mean that we might eventually be able to "choose" which "life" we want to invest in? I know we will still need to "run" our real world, as well as look after ourselves as human being (feed ourselves, reproduce ourselves, etc.) what do you make of the potentiality of having a split world, organised in such a way that "Real Lifers" could provide "Second Lifers" with the usual stuff, while "Second Lifers" could provide "Real Lifers" with new types of services for instance? I know it sounds a bit crazy, but there is no way the whole stuff is not going anywhere IMHO... ______________________________________ The Fat Controller is gonna get you in the end.
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