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I was just going to start a new thread when I noticed this one, don't know how I missed it before now. At the beginning of the year I really treated myself by buying a [url=http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/specs/Canon/canon_eos400d.asp] Canon EOS 400D[/url] I had used a Canon (AE1) before in the dim and distant, so that swayed my judgement. I have spent the last few months just getting used to the camera, I actually found it a little intimidating at first and it showed in the photographs I took. Shots that I snatched up in a jiffy with my old Fuji found me fumbling for settings/switches/buttons, but I am slowly getting better. One of the (many) joys this beauty has stirred in me is developing RAW images and playing around with HDR. I am still very much just feeling my way around the process, but I have enjoyed every minute. Sometimes I like to go for a more "natural" finish and at others I like to experiment with... better still here is a link to my [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/tao_boogie/sets/72157600523554929/show/] flickr [/url] site, all the photographs in this album are HDR and finished in PS. For each image I have used between 3 and 5 RAW photographs, bracketed and taken on a tripod. Actually one or two are produced from just one RAW file which I edited in bundled software to produce 3 TIFFs with altered exposure values 0, -2, +2. [url=http://tao.serveit.org/tao.htm]::tao::[/url]::[url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [IMG]http://www.tao.serveit.org/sigs/tile.gif[/IMG] ::cell::[/url] [doh] Doh [/doh] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4175]Tao[/url] on 07-03-2007 02:39)[/small]
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