OZONE Asylum
The hunt for the perfect CMS
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Thanks for your comments guys. Making my own is always an option, but one I would like to avoid if possible, mainly because I have a small window of opportunity coming up and would much rather focus on designing and building a site rather than a CMS. :) I think you may be confusing [url=http://www.symfony-project.com/]Symfony[/url] and [url=http://21degrees.com.au/products/symphony/]Symphony[/url]. If you've never heard of it, I'd suggest taking a look at the demo they have going. It is quite different from any other free CMS I have ever had exposure to. It is surprisingly simple, does not seem to be trying to be all things to everyone, but instead is a fairly compact tool for those who already have a good handle on xhtml/css/xslt/xml. And by the looks of the few sites I have seen using it, http://www.truthmove.org is one, I am very impressed by the looks of the flexibility it provides. I think I may take a stab at it, and then, if all else fails, I will have to make my own. It would give me an opportunity to take my PHP knowledge to the next level. Ram
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