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Problems with an impatient boss and insane deadlines
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Hi guys I'm really in a bit of a pickle here, After lounging over a year for a job I finally landed one and have been working here for almost a year. The problem is that I'm the only Php guy or rather I'm the only IT guy save the network admin who has absolutely no idea of web development and my boss has these long list of projects for me to work on. Now my boss is a bit tech savy but he is no programmer and hasn't any idea of how complex work can get. He's been you know in an attempt to help me been setting out deadlines for project modules that are just so insanesly IMPOSSIBLE. Like he thinks that by setting a deadline he can get the work done no matter how ridiculously insane those deadlines maybe. One module which he had laid out for me required that I: [ulist]Integrate an ajax based webmail client i.e. roundcubemail Integrate tinymce rich text editor in the package. Add like 3 different plugins to the editor. Tweak the webmail client so it would send recieve requests upon sending a mail. Fit a tagging system into the mail client Add an automatic mail response function [/ulist] And the time limit for all this ... [b]9[/b] days and that too after I had to literally wrestle it from his original deadline of 5 days despite my asking for more time... Note. This is all part of one module....and the number of programmers working on the project...including me just one.. I mean I can't take it any more - my boss is real nice but when it comes to setting deadlines he's killer!!!! ANd these deadlines are basically impossible - considering the fact that I had no prior knowledge of the workings of roundcubemail and tinymce 7 days ago - and even now I'm still learning how to tweak the packages . It isn't the kind of thing that can be done overnight and this is what my boss has a hard time UNDERSTANDING!!! The projects aren't immediate deliverables but projects for our own company's use initially. I don't know how to talk to him on this. He just surfs through sites and when he sees somethings he likes. he just calls me saying: [i] OK I want that function from this site, a coupel of those from that site, this littel doo hickey form this site, a tagging system like they use in Gmail and wordpress in one package and I want it in two days....[/i] And despite my begging that I need more time, he thinks I'm stalling or too lazy to work.. to be honest I haven't slept for a couple of days without the last time having to actually dream of function callbacks - I'm literally on the verge of explosion. What do I do and how do I tell my boss - I've tried EVERYTHING? The stupid deadline is on the brink and I've somehow miraculously managed to finish about 75 percent of the tasks but in his case he's gonna be angry on the 25 percent that couldn't AND CAN NOT BE FINISHED in the time setup... ...Help me:confused: [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4484]paritycheck[/url] on 05-02-2007 13:25)[/small]
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