OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Problems with an impatient boss and insane deadlines
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[quote]You are immersed in a Death March.[/quote] I can tell that, but I think I haven't been clear enough - I'm going to follow on it at the maximum 'sustainable' pace I can give it i.e. that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm gonna be slaving away all night and all day - just to give the impression that I'm doing my best. I know that it can't be possibly done within the stipulated time limit, but rather than worry on how to get it done within the constricted time frame, I'm gonna instead handle it like I handle any normal project. Work at my best pace and let the resulst show for themselves. Call it an experiment but if my boss even still can't acknowledge even after this turmoil passes and the deadline hasn't been met despite my working, that his deadlines are insane well it probably isn't worth even bothering to hang around much longer.. [quote]If you've made up your mind to stay there, that is the only reasonable approach to the problem.[/quote] Well, in a way you could say that is partially true, Im just gonna take this chance to see how reasonable my boss is and whether he realises he's making a bad mistake.... [quote]Send your boss the link to this thread. If he doesn't get it then..... then you know it's time to move on.[/quote] I'll be saving that as a kinda last resort :) for now... wish me luck...
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