OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Problems with an impatient boss and insane deadlines
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The advise above is great. I want to add a couple of things; You must be consistent, and documentation is your friend. If you tell your supervisor it is going to take about 4 weeks, do not let him talk you down to 5 days. He can say I will give you 9 days to do it, and you would need to respond in a way that politely lets him know that you do not feel this is reasonable, and you still believe that it will take 4 weeks. If he wants the task completed in 5 days you can ask him which parts of the project is he willing to live without. Tell him what would be reasonable to accomplish in 5 days. When being asked for an estimate it is often a good idea to write a estimate report. You will want to describe each task in detail and then give reasonable numbers for each small step in the process. For your list above you have - * Integrate an ajax based webmail client i.e. roundcubemail * Integrate tinymce rich text editor in the package. * Add like 3 different plugins to the editor. * Tweak the webmail client so it would send recieve requests upon sending a mail. * Fit a tagging system into the mail client * Add an automatic mail response function You can turn the list above into - [code]* Download all required software : 1 hour * Research installation and configuration of the software : 8 hours * Integrate roundcubemail into existing web application: 4 hours * Integrate tinymce editor into roundcube mail: 4 hours * Integrate 3rd Party Plugins: 2 hours (each) * Code Inspection for tagging and auto-response integration: 16 hours * Create custom email tagging system - Database schema updates for tagging: 4 hours - Application coding for tagging system * Add additional columns for tags display: 8 hours * Add administration section for tag maintainance: 16 hours * Add screens for tag CRUD: 16 hours * Create custom auto-response system - Data base schema for response storage: 8 hours - Application coding for auto response: 16 hours Total: 106 hours[/code] When I write something like this up I normally also include a paragraph or two giving an overview of each task and what would be required. With this kind of documentation you can ask your supervisor where he feels that you have overestimated. It is much easier to defend the time allocation to specific tasks than it is to defend an overall time on a nebulously defined project. Dan [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url] | [url=http://www.zombiehead.org]Zombie Head[/url] | [url=http//www.howmuchtp.com]How Much TP?[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/191]WarMage[/url] on 05-02-2007 22:01)[/small]
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