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Which laptop on Earth??
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Ok, so in about a month I want to buy my first laptop; but which one? I think it's probably the worst thing I've had to make my mind up on, and every time I think I have (made my mind up), and start thinking again "actually I don't need a big screen, I'd like to be able to carry it around", then go back to "It's going to be my only home computer, so I'll get tired of staring at a small screen". So... I do know more or less than I want the following things: - be able to run at least 5 applications at the same time, among which "demanding" applications, the way I do it at work on my desktop computer - be able to carry it around, but not on a day to day basis. So the weight is not highly important. - be able to connect to wireless networks - be able to play games - although not a huge gamer, but would like to be able to play stuff like Myst or so, you get the point - PC or Mac, although I would need a financial plan over maximum 12 months and price range from £400-£900 (I suppose) I know what I don't need: - A huge hard drive memory - 80GB should do - A very expensive graphic card, just enough to support the above - the biggest screen ever, but minimum 15' Any suggestions/advice? Help would be very much appreciated. Cheers ______________________________________ The Fat Controller is gonna get you in the end.
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