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Which laptop on Earth??
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I have a five year old Gateway that I still like a lot. I got a carrying case with it that allowed me to carry it like a briefcase, or I could pull out two straps and sling it over my shoulders like a back pack. I used the machine pretty musch the way you're describing for several years. The biggest problem I've had with the machine is that the display/top of the machine started to crack around the hinges and I've had to be more careful with how I treat and move the machine around for the last couple of years. I think you might want to look at things like how much heat the machine generates, and how long the battery lasts. I agree that a big screen is nice and there still is no machine that is "comfortable" to carry around with you. By the time you add an extra battery, a surge protector, a few extra disks, and pens and paper to the carying case, it gets to be quite a load. So in some ways, the durability, length of battery, amount of heat produced (keep in mind that you'll be working wihth the machine on you lap and all the heat it produces will be added to your) and the way it fits in the carrying case are more important. Oh, one more thing, I would recommend a touch pad or a track ball. I really hate those little mouse buttons and actually prefer a touch pad to a track ball, particularly if you plan to do graphics. Actually I had a Y-plug for the PS/2 socket on the back of the machine. The Y-plug allowed me to plug both a mouse and a keyboard into the machine. That was a great little device. Unfortunately I lost it and haven't been able to find another since then. I suppose with modern keyboards and mice you would be using USB connections anyway so it doesn't matter. Anyway, for working at home an external mouse and keyboard make your laptop experience soooo much better. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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