OZONE Asylum
Which laptop on Earth??
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Regarding keyboard and mouse, I've had a 15.4" laptop for 3-4yo and could never get used to the slow trackpad and the keyboard layout. I use my trust worthy IntelliMouse and put my Natural keyboard on top of the laptop's keyboard. The added bonus being that the Natural keyoard offers 2 more USB ports I can use to plug in my digital camera, a USB stick or an extra external HDD without having to go fiddle being the screen. If I were to buy a laptop today, I'd definitely go for a 12-13" below 2kg. Today's spec are quite good. I'd basically run the same apps I've used for years and I'm not a game whore either. I've seen such laptops with 1gb of RAM, ethernet/wifi/bluetooth, 80-120gb HDD, DVD+-RW burner, 1280x800 display, 4-7h autonomy ... around 1000 Euros ( > £700 ) Any laptop in the £700-900 range will meet your requirements. Just go in a few shops and try some to see how they feel. [url=http://www.p01.org/][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_neon88x31.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2185]poi[/url] on 05-13-2007 15:19)[/small]
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