OZONE Asylum
POW 109 - Guess the closeup
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I'll second Ian's guess--it looks [i]exactly[/i] like a bald eagle's beak. In fact, after looking at some photos of bald eagles online, I'm almost 100% sure that's what it is. That or another type of eagle. And I think Ian might have something going on Lord_F's photo as well. That does look very much like a cave feature. WS: Heh, I [i]wish[/i] I could get that kind of magnification. ;) No, it is not the bristles of a brush. Lord_F is right, thought: the lines do converge toward the right. So it's organic and composed of longish elements that converge toward a point. Shall I post the answer? Any final guesses? Here's one final hint: each of those elements in the photo is almost one centimeter wide (9mm, to be exact). That should at least help you with the scale. And while we're at it, here's my final shot, one I took on a whim this morning. It should be fairly easy for the crew here, so I'm going to post the pic and then a link to the larger version. Make your guess and then click. :) [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/pow/109/closeup05.jpg[/img] And the answer: [url=http://www.liminality.org/asylum/pow/109/closeup05_full.jpg]Yeah, baby![/url] That's it for me--I think I've contributed enough to my own topic. I'll wrap this one up and choose a successor when all mysteries have been revealed.
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