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Children left crying in gunman drill WTF!!
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[quote]twItch^: It's 2007 and I'm still trying to cope with my country electing Bush in 2004 (during two wars [three if you count the war on personal liberty]) because of his stance on gay marriage.[/quote] Yeah, sorry about that. :eek: The good news is that I, and many like me, have awoken. Although, not sure my vote counts anyway now, so not sure if I will even bother in '08. [quote]White Hawk: I'm surprised America's citizens aren't openly 'chipped' at birth[/quote] Not yet my friend, not yet. In the 80s it was still in the realm of dystopian science fiction. In 1990s, people who believed this were "right-wing conspiracy theorists." Nowadays it is pretty much an accepted fact that it is coming. The next logical step in what some call the global economy, and other the global control grid, global plantation, etc. The question is whether the people will accept it. Quite scary to think about the kids today in the public school systems being indoctrinated into it, the fact that many of them see nothing wrong with it and the fact that they will soon be voters. 20 years from now, people like me and any of you against it will still hate it, but these kids will really have never known anything but. As far as UK not being far behind America, there is now approx. [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6108496.stm]1 camera per every 14 people in the UK[/url], and some of them even [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=405477&in_page_id=1770#StartComments]verbally reprimand you[/url]. So nyah, you are, as NoJive said, the most surveilled people on earth, at least in terms of visible surveillance. We are not too far behind though, not at all. One should note that all three countries mentioned above, and quite a few others, are all dealing with the same issues, all being implemented upon a single model, or so it would seem. If you read the actual legislation from these different countries, they are all eerily similar. [url=http://www.dailysouthtown.com/news/388434,172NWS1.article]And another drill[/url]. This time, only teachers, but again, no word that it was a drill. This is the implementation of mass hypnosis and brainwashing through what our military likes to call "shock and awe." Whether there is some devious plot (doubtful) in the background or simply a form of controlled chaos, matters not. If you can instill fear in a people, especially a people who have been systematically downgraded in intelligence, there is nothing they will not accept by those who might capitalize upon it, except perhaps the truth. Ramasax [url=http://www.americanserf.us]www.AmericanSerf.us[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1866]Ramasax[/url] on 05-18-2007 04:22)[/small]
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